Summer Health Habits that Ease Common Health Issues

Summer is the perfect time to pick up new healthy habits. With longer days and warmer weather, we have plenty of opportunities to get out and try new things. Unfortunately, summer also comes with its health complaints, but establishing healthy habits will help you enjoy the season more and help you find new passions.

This article discusses eight health habits that can ease common summer health complaints and keep you in good shape to get the most out of this beautiful season. 

Most Common Health Complaints in Summer

While summer ushers in a season of fun in the sun, from music festivals to camping trips, several health concerns can pop up with the warmer weather. Before you head outdoors to enjoy the weather, there are some health concerns you need to consider.

During the summer months, these health issues can put a damper on your fun.

  • Sunburns and heat-related health issues
  • Dehydration
  • Pulled muscles and injuries
  • Fatigue and lack of energy
  • Poor sleep quality

Summer Health Habits You Should Start Today

If you have ever fallen victim to any of these health realities, there are several habits you can start today to help prevent some of the most common summer health complaints. Not only are these habits easy to start and keep track of, but they are also habits that will help you achieve better health throughout the year.

  1. Get vitamin D responsibly.

The sun is more intense in the summer, and we also spend significantly more time in it than in cooler months. It is there for essential that we protect our skin and eyes from overexposure to the sun’s rays. Be sure to dress in breathable uv resistant clothing, wear a hat and sunglasses, and apply sunscreen to exposed skin.

  • Maintain a healthy sleep schedule.

  • The extra hours of sunlight can throw off your natural sleep schedule, but it is still important to get ample rest to recover from increased activity and time in the heat. Invest in some blackout curtains and stick with your regular sleep routine. Adults should aim for at least seven hours, while children and teens need eight to ten hours of sleep. Botanicals and herbs can help ease you into sleep when taken as part of your regular sleep routine.

  • Keep up with your exercise routine.

  • It can be easier to fall out of your normal exercise routine whether the heat deters you or your busy social schedule keeps you too occupied, but maintaining an exercise routine is essential to your well-being. Try moving your exercise to earlier or later in the day to avoid the heat and schedule conflicts. Make sure to maintain your energy for your favorite outdoor activities.

  • Stay hydrated.

  • This goes without explaining, but dehydration is a major issue with hotter weather. Keep hydrated with cool water and healthy drinks like unsweetened tea and fresh seasonal fruit juice.

  • Snack smart and keep your energy levels steady.

  • Afternoon slumps can feel more exaggerated in the warmer months. Keep healthy, energy-boosting snacks on hand to get you through those long, hot afternoons.

  • Enjoy seasonal fruits and veggies.

  • Summer is the perfect time to hit-up the local produce stand for farm-fresh goodies. Dress up your salads and other dishes with seasonal flavor for added flavor and health benefits. Who doesn’t love a zesty peach salsa or a refreshing watermelon drink?

  • Take up yoga.

  • Venture outdoors for a yoga class and combine exercise and relaxation with outside time. The warm air is more gentle on sore muscles and will complement your higher-impact summer activities like jogging or hiking.

  • Enjoy long evening walks.

  • A post-dinner walk is a great way to help with digestion. Experts also recommend evening walks for better sleep. 

    Why You Should Focus On Your Health in the Summer

    While focusing on good health habits throughout the year is important, we tend to neglect our health habits in the summer months. From sluggishness due to the heat to indulging more in alcohol and junk food, summer can blur by without focusing on our overall health and well-being.

    Summer is also a great time to focus on healthy habits because there are many fun ways to explore healthy activities and foods. Longer days also provide more time outside work to get out and be active. 

    Key Take Aways

    • Summer is a great time to start healthy habits.
    • Simple changes can make a lasting impact.
    • It is essential to stay hydrated and eat well.
    • Sleep is still important in the summer.
    • Have fun and try new things!

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