Daily Rhythm: Combat Low Energy Naturally

Whether you’re a morning grouch or an afternoon zombie, low energy is a common complaint for many at some point in the day. Finding natural ways to boost energy can seem daunting and medication is not ideal. Luckily, there are many natural remedies for fatigue so you get the most out of your day and feel great. 

Read on for quick energy tips for every part of your day.

Rise and Shine: Start Your Day Right

Resist the urge to hit snooze- As tempting as it is to hit snooze and roll over, it won’t benefit you in the long run. Procrastinating on getting out of bed will only lead to feeling more rushed to get out the door. Stress only leads to fatigue later on, and skipping snooze will keep you on track to get the day started right.

Let light in- Letting the sun’s rays filter in first thing in the morning is a great way to get your biological clock synced up with the start of the day. Allowing your body to wake with natural light is a smoother way to transition from sleep and less jarring. If you wake up before the sun, try an alarm with soothing sounds that gently wake you up. You can also try sitting by a sunny window as you enjoy your breakfast. 

Protein packed breakfast- Incorporate whole grains and protein to kick your metabolism into gear. This will provide your body with steady energy to get you through the morning rush. Avoid grabbing sugary processed items as these will only lead to a crash later on. Try whole grain toast with almond butter and a cup of green tea.

Botanicals for energy- Stress can show up in the form of fatigue. Herbs like maca can help balance the body’s stress response and fight off fatigue. 

Grab a bite of Chocolate for Anxiety- With a blend of botanicals that bring on an alert state of relaxation, Carefree Chocolate eases morning anxiety without zapping energy levels. This allows you to save your energy for more important things.

Mid-Day Grind: How to Maximize Your Energy

Take a movement break- Lunch is a great time to fight off low energy with a movement break. Take a brisk 20 minute walk and leave yourself enough time to enjoy a satisfying lunch before getting back to work. The exercise will perk you up and reset your brain. Bonus points if you can get outside and soak up some vitamin D.

Don’t skip out on eating- You need consistent nutrition to maintain your energy, so it is important to stick with eating at every meal. Keeping your blood sugar steady prevents crashing and feeling ‘hangry’. 

Avoid fast food for lunch- Proteins and complex carbs are the key to maintaining energy levels. While fast food is tempting, the sugar and saturated fats won’t do the job of providing you with steady energy. It can also lead to a worsening mood as you reach the later part of the day.

Afternoon Slump: Quick Energy Tips

Hydration sans sugar- When the afternoon slump sets in, a soda craving becomes hard to fight. Staying hydrated helps to stave off cravings and keeps you from feeling zapped. If you want something fizzy, go for lightly flavored sparkling water. You can even grab a caffeinated seltzer for a little extra push without added sugar. 

Snack right- Instead of grabbing empty carbs, look for a snack with substance. Try making a trail mix with a variety of seeds and nuts mixed with dark chocolate bits and dried fruit. You’ll satisfy the craving for something sweet while delivering healthy fats and fiber to your body.

Stretch- A good stretch can do wonders to your energy and release built up tension. It’s also a super easy practice to do right from your office chair in under 5 minutes. Toss in neck and shoulder rolls to increase your level of tension reduction.

Nibble on Energy Chocolate- Our Espresso Crunch Energy Chocolate balances the perfect blend of botanicals to give you a boost over your afternoon slump without giving you jitters. Ashwagandha to balance hormones and reduce stress, and maca to improve energy are just two of the super ingredients featured in this chocolate bar.

Time to Unwind: Natural Remedies for Fatigue

Take time for dinner- Unwind with a nice meal at the end of a long day. Whether you are cooking with your kids or having a solo meal, take time to enjoy the process and unwind. Maintaining a healthful intake of nutrient rich foods is an important part of keeping energy and mood levels consistent. 

Reflect on your day and prep- Take 20-30 minutes in the evening to reflect on your day and prepare for the next. Having your lunch and snacks prepped means you won’t need to feel rushed in the morning. This will also prevent you from going for convenient, less healthy options when you run out of time. Reflecting how you felt that day also gives you an opportunity to make conscious changes for the next.

Practice self-care- Before you go to bed, turn off the electronic devices and opt for rituals that make you feel relaxed and centered. Whether it’s a relaxing bath or a few pages of your favorite book, taking a few moments for yourself will put you in a relaxed state of mind for a restful sleep. After 7-8 hours of z’s you will be recharged and ready to take on a new day.

Tuck in with Sleepy Chocolate- If you are a fan of dessert, our Blueberry Lavender Bar is a delectable way to prep for sleep. With a blend of chamomile, valerian, lavender, among other botanicals, this chocolate may help relieve anxiety and ease you into a restful sleep. 

Order your favorite energy boosting chocolate today, and get free shipping on orders of $40 or more!